Interview Coaching Packages

Interview Coaching Basic Package

Includes a 60-minute interview preparation session and a list of common interview questions
$200 to $500

Interview Coaching Standard Package

Inclues a 90-minute interview prepration session, a mock interview, and personalized feedback
$500 to $1,000

Interview Coaching Premium Package

Includes a 120-minute interview preparation session, a mock interview with video recording for self-review, personalized feedback and a folow-up session after the actual interview for further feedback and analysis
$1000 to $1,500

Fall/Winter Price Package

C-Suite, VP’s, Head, Director, Hospitality-Retail, Medical Executives

VIP Interview Coaching Basic Package

Includes a 90-minute interview preparation session and a list of common interview questions
$500 to $1,000

VIP Interview Coaching Standard Package

Inclues a 120-minute interview prepration session, a mock interview, and personalized feedback
$1,000 to $2,500

VIP Interview Coaching Premium Package

Includes a 180-minute interview preparation session, a mock interview with video recording for self-review, personalized feedback and a follow-up session after the actual interview for further feedback and analysis
$2,500 to $5,000


Hi Lauren, it was so nice meeting you and hearing your empowering story! We both share the same feeling towards our previous company, which was a big catalyst for me to pivot my career. Thanks for caching me over the last 2 months ! I landed the job. 
Human Design Strategies @CareerALCHEMIST
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You said WHAT in this big interview?!

WOW!! Ummmm you should’ve gotten an interview coach!

Dude ! You probably didn’t get the job that you were BEYOND qualified for! That really sucks !
Dude – So sorry but sounds like you were totally unprepared!
Don’t make this mistake BOOK a interview prep before your ZOOM call or in person interview!